Terms And Conditions
Terms & Conditions
This trip is for the intellectually curious and the emotionally mature. Please read the following carefully and determine whether or not you can abide by the trip Terms, Conditions and Waiver before you submit an application.

- All organization and financing of the trip is handled by TSA Tours, a company based in Tempe, Arizona. Brad Dicus, the Tour Director, will be able to answer any questions about the itinerary and day-to-day activities, but all questions regarding flights, hotels, organization and financing must be directed to representatives at TSA Tours.
- You are responsible for getting your passport. If you are not an American citizen or cannot obtain an American passport, you will need to contact your embassy to inquire about necessary documents.
- Participants in the European adventure must be at least 18 years old at the time of departure.
- The Ulysses Tours Terms, Conditions and Waiver must be signed by both the traveler and parent/guardian prior to departure. Violations of the trip rules will result in your immediate deportation at your own expense, and you will return to the States alone.
- Prior to departure you should be in good health and physically fit. If you need to return to the United States for any reason before the tour has ended, you will return alone.
- Everything outlined in the itinerary is covered with the trip’s cost (including breakfast). Additional money will be necessary for lunch and dinner, activities not outlined in the itinerary and spending money. An additional $1000 - $2000 would give you a budget of $50 -$100 per day respectively. You will have to budget your money while traveling, carefully monitoring exchange rates and your spending habits and limits.
- Traveling with a group will require a certain amount of flexibility on your part, and a willingness to go with the flow. For example, on several occasions we will eat lunch while on the road between destinations. Our stops are based on what is best for the group and will be determined by our schedule, traffic, weather, availability, laws for coach drivers, and a number of other variables assessed at the moment — not your hunger. Traveling with a group will also require you to be where you are supposed to be at the expected time; it is your responsibility to set an alarm on your watch or phone for the mornings, to make it in by curfew in the evenings, or otherwise be on time.
- You must become familiar with the basics of hiking before departure because you will have the opportunity to see the world from perspectives that few people have seen, and you can only get there by foot. We will attempt to ascend Tanzbödeli (weather permitting) while in Switzerland, which requires an elevation gain of almost 800 meters (2500 feet). My stats from the day of the ascent with the Class of ‘19 read 10 miles, 26,183 steps and 322 floors. It is expected that you participate in the hikes while on the trip.
- You must limit packing to under fifty pounds. This is not only the standard weight for international flights, but it’s helpful to maintain these rules for our bus as well.
- To gain a sense of how traveling and adventure can shape your character I’d like for you to read William Hogan’s book The Quartzite Trip. It’s out of publication and a bit difficult to find, so if you come across a copy I’d appreciate a willingness to share with others by passing the book along the line of fellow travelers.
- I would like to hear from you after our return to the States through a letter, an essay or any other form of written communication in which you give me your thoughts on traveling abroad as a part of this group (i.e. what you learned about the world, what you learned about America, what you learned about your friends and what you learned about yourself). I’ll assume that if you are fully committed to joining this trip you will accept this assignment on your honor. The assignment is due by the end of July after our return.
Ulysses Tours Life Lessons:
#1 — Just because you can doesn’t mean you should
#2 — It’s a marathon, not a sprint
#3 — Keep it light
#4 — Proper planning prevents piss-poor performance
#5 — Get your shit together
#6 — Improvise, adapt and overcome
#7 — Exercise humility
Pack your bags, bring your passport, have some money, adopt a positive attitude, get on the bus and embrace the adventure.
Looking forward to another great trip!